We all know that protein is really necessary for us. We all have been hearing this since childhood that protein is the building blocks of our body. One cannot survive without protein content in their diet. Almost everything in our body requires protein as it helps in building as well as repairing the tissues of the body.

Protein is build up of amino acids which functions as the building blocks of cells. Almost everyone is aware of these facts about protein but there are a lot more hidden facts about it and here I reveal some of them.

#1 All of us know that protein is a major dietary requirement, but the                                            question is do we know how much protein content do we actually need?


Our body consists of about 18-20% of protein. But the minimum protein requirement of an average person is calculated to be 1 gram per 1Kg of their body weight. For example; if a person weighs 55kgs then his/her minimum protein requirement would be 55grams of protein per day. But minimum protein requirement may vary from person to person, for instance athletes require higher amount of protein as compared to others.

#2 Do you know about Albumin?


Albumin is a type of protein which is really necessary for our body. In the absence of albumin the entire human body will swell up because of fluids. Albumin deficiency is found in people with kidney diseases, excessive burns, malnourished people and over-hydrated people i.e. accumulation of water. In many countries protein diet and lack of food are common problems that lead to swelling of the abdomen due to albumin deficiency and osmotic imbalance of body fluids. The best source of albumin is egg white.

#3 Some unknown sources of protein


There are a lot of grains and vegetables that are a good source of protein, regardless of the fact that they don’t contain all of the amino acids. For example: peas contains 9 grams of protein per cup, spinach has 5 grams of protein, a bowl full of broccoli has 7 grams of protein and a cup of raw kale has 2 grams.

Apart from these the most common protein rich foods are nuts, eggs, chicken, meat, fish   and many others.